As I write this the 2020 Olympics are still going on in Tokyo and I think we all know one of the major stories of these games.  The physical and mental stress of her years of intensive training, pandemic, and many other things created a perfect storm for Simone Biles causing a disconnect (the twisties) with her mind and body.  While these athletes go through their skills they are relying largely on muscle memory from their training so that their bodies will instinctively know how to do the routine or skill.  In Simone's case, things built up for so long that the disconnect could have resulted in serious injury or death if she was in midair and her body forgot how to do the skill.  While she is in full view of the world, I wonder how many of us have experienced something similar where we were unable to complete the most mundane of tasks because we just forgot how to do it.  My point to all of this is don't remain silent if you experience something that is not normal for you.  It is not only okay but important to speak up and check things out so you can make changes in your life if needed.


Maintaining Balance Is an Inside and Outside Job 

Trying to maintain balance in your life can sometimes make you feel like Terrifico, the terrified tightrope walker in the circus of life.  If you feel like you're working without a net while the crowd below holds their breath in anticipation of a slip, you’re not alone. These days almost all of us have so many demands placed on our time and energy, life can feel like a three-ring circus. And if you’re not up there on the tightrope, you’re down on the ground in the midst of lions and tigers, or you're in charge of keeping a couple of dozen plates spinning in the air.

Maintaining balance isn’t easy. It requires holding steady with the many responsibilities that are a normal and everyday part of life: home, family, friends, and work, while at the same time recognizing and fulfilling your own personal needs and wants. Finding and maintaining balance with life being so complicated and demanding is both an inside and outside job.

Inside—Only you can take care of yourself.
Consider how well you take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally. Do you eat healthy food and exercise regularly? Do you get check-ups and take preventative precautions? Do you set aside personal, quiet time for yourself? Do you make time to enjoy nature or a hobby, filling yourself up again and again?

Outside—Reaching outside yourself gives meaning.
Think about how you reach outside yourself for sharing and giving meaning to your life. Do you spend quality time with family and friends? Do you give back to life through your time, energy, and experience? Contributing to the larger world provides connection and purpose.

Balance—The key to a rich and fulfilling life.
To discover how well balanced your life is, keep a log of how you spend your time. In a little notebook, you can carry with you, write down the hours you spend under the broad headings: “for me” and “for others.” Also make notes of requests for your time (from family members, from coworkers, or professional obligations). Include “requests” from your physical and emotional self: “I wish I would give myself the time to take a walk today.” Or “Gee, I’d love to take a nap.”

Also, jot down your feelings about the time you’re putting in. Do you resent the responsibilities at home? Do you feel like you never get to do what you want to do? Do you rearrange your time, taking away from what you’d planned to do for yourself to do something for others? How does that feel? Honestly?

After a week or two, you can expect to have some pretty clear messages on where there is balance in your life and where there is not. You might also come to see what’s important to you and how you can make changes in your life that will create a life of health, well-being, and joy—a balanced life. 


One Minute for Yourself, Opens in a new tabThe book I am recommending to you today is called One Minute for Yourself by Spencer Johnson, M.D.  The title says it all.  I'm sure many of you have read other books by Dr. Johnson, they are all short, easy reads, with great messages.  You can find this one easily on Amazon.  Here is the link if you want to check it out.  One Minute for Yourself: Johnson M.D., Spencer: 9780688163563: Books




I will be the featured speaker at the educational meeting for the San Diego County Escrow Association on September 21st, so I hope to see all of my local escrow people there. 


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Stay safe, healthy and happy!

Coach Jan 


Jan Cerasaro
Jan Cerasaro Coaching