Happy New Year’s Eve!! As wonderful as it would be for December to just be a month to celebrate our sacred holidays, it can be less than peaceful and joyous. It can sometimes be downright harried and frustrating. Many extra things in our lives including COVID can have people burning the candle at both ends. What’s left when that candle gets to the middle? So, my focus this month is to help you avoid burn-out.
We won’t grow and learn, doing what we’ve always done, and thinking what we’ve always thought. We need to move beyond our comfort zones. We need to engage with something new and different if we want to expand ourselves. ---Akiroq Brost
We have all been out of our comfort zones this year due to COVID but what Akiroq was referring to was to think outside of the box. When someone is at burn-out their view of the present and future can be bleak. If, however, you had something new that you wanted to be or learn that could start to change your outlook on life.
Today’s coaching challenge
Think for a moment, what is that skill or desire that you had in your mind to try someday? Perhaps it’s time to take that thought out of your head and start making it a reality.
This could be something simple like learning to ride a bike, making a great omelet, or learning a line dance.
Action to take
Today you could take an action to fulfill that desire; what one thing would be your first step?
Always supporting you,
P.S. If you are having trouble thinking of what action to take click here to sign up for a free Discover New Possibilities Call.
