So, let's look at some of the ways you can minimize stress during the holidays so that you can put the Happy back into Happy Holidays. This week let's look at being playful and bringing joy back into your holiday celebrations.
"Bringing a childlike wonder and a beginner's mind to life maximize both success and joy."---Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Being childlike is not the same as being childish. Sometimes as we grow older, we forget to have fun and bring simplicity back into our lives. It can be easy to take life too seriously and over complicate things.
Today's Coaching Challenge
Think back to your childhood. What were some of the fun things you did during the holidays that you stopped doing as you got older? Did you string popcorn as garland for the Christmas Tree? Did ever build a Gingerbread House? Did you make a Christmas card for someone special?
Remember how you looked forward to some of those things. Sure, kids are anxious for Christmas morning so they can open their gifts, but I bet Christmas cookies always tasted better when you had decorated them. How about making snow angels or having a snowball fight?
Action to take
Find a quiet place where you can take your thoughts back to when you were a child. What can you plan to do this year to bring back one of those childhood memories? If you have children share the experience with them as well.
Always supporting you, Jan